I cannot even begin to express how happy I am that it seems like people are digging LESSONS (AND OTHER MORBID DRABBLES). It's gone beyond my expectations. It's been out less than a week, and already I've sold 12 copies and received some great feedback on it. I'm at a loss for words.
Tomorrow is my KB Book of the Day (Kindleboards). They advertise your book for a day (or more if you like) for a small fee, and so far it seems to be working for people. I originally had it set for IN DECLINE, but this was before I wrote LESSONS. I was able to switch. I did it for 2 reasons:
a) Halloween is coming up. I think this is the perfect time to take advantage of that. People are in the mood for something that's dark or creepy.
b) Let's be honest. As much as I love IN DECLINE and am thrilled with how well it's done so far for a little short story collection, it's a tougher sell. I probably won't sell as many copies of that. Plus, I can always select a future date for that one. Right now, I want to get LESSONS out there to the public.
I also waited before I made this decision because I wasn't sure what the initial reaction would be, being that this is drastically different from what I normally write. I'm happy to say that it's been very positive. People seem to like it. I hope it continues that way.
So once again, a BIG thank you to everybody. You don't know how much it means to me. Writing is fun, but it's even more fun when you find out that people are also enjoying your work.
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