Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My little moment in the sun...

For a brief and small moment last night, LESSONS AND OTHER MORBID DRABBLES was outselling a Stephen King eBook in the short-story category.

That's epic!

I even have the screencap to prove it.  Of course I was going to capture this moment:

That was pretty awesome.  I don't care if it only lasted for an hour or so, I was so honored and humbled.  These past few days I've sold a few copies of the book, which makes me a very happy author.

Okay, I'm not using this blog entry to only brag... I'm writing about this because it's more proof that I made the right decision to go the indie route.  LESSONS would never get traditionally published.  It's too short.  Yet, I've sold over 40 copies of it within a month, making it my bestselling book as of now.

I can't thank everybody enough for their wonderful support and checking out my work.  I hope you guys enjoy it.  Writing is a fantastic feeling, but it's even better when you know there are people out there who enjoy reading it.

If you'd like to purchase LESSONS AND OTHER MORBID DRABBLES or view the Amazon product page for more info, click here.

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